CoNept Afya Consultation

CoNept Afya Consultation

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Golden Oyster

Liver Protection
recuperate liver functions, relieve hepatitis syndromes
Increase liver function to clearing blood & detoxification
The largest organ in body
Average about 1.5kg (adult)
Plays a major role in metabolism, like a human factory
Detoxification (toxin, blood, drug, alcohol,        food additives, pressure)
Plasma protein synthesis
Decomposition of red blood cells
Glycogen storage
Always feel tiredness if liver doesn't function well
Improving Vitality, Strength & immune system
Helping the sex function
   (Rich in Arginine & trace element)
Restore from fatigue, Improving efficacy of work
    (physical & intelligence)
Nourishing blood, improving circulation & metabolism
Stabilize emotions, relax nerves
Delay aging & wrinkles

Safe way to have Oyster : Cooked Food
Best benefit can only get from fresh oyster
    (Virus, Bacterial, Diarrhea, Gastroenteritis

Neptunus golden oyster using lyophilize technique, get the full active ingredients from fresh oyster
The first & best oyster products in China
A tonic ocean nutrition
Adjust your body systems into best conditions

1.      Glycogen (46.2%)
    Source of energy, recover from fatigue, improving circulation & Vitality.
    Main ingredients of cell membrane, control the communicate between cells & outside; improve vitality of cells
    Increase intelligence
    Clearing blood thrombus, lower blood lipid
Important Protein & Amino Acids (20%, better than milk)
Nourishing  central nervous system
For body growth & development
High content in retina, help for eye sight
Absorb lipids in digestion system
Improving sports ability
Improving functions of cardiovascular system
Help glucose metabolism, protect cells from diabetes
2. Arginine
Help for hypertension, immunity, digestion, nerves system
3. Alanine
Help for blood sugar utility, blood reserve
    Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E, K PP; Pantothenic acid, Folic acid, Biotin
Trace Elements
Zinc, selenium, Calcium, Iron, Copper, Iodine, chromium, etc
Nucleic Acid
DNA, RNA; The gene for cells & body to regenerate
Low immunity
People who need increase resistance to disease
Physically weak, fatigue
Stress, Work under pressure
Low liver function, hepatitis
Patient with cardio, cerebral vascular disease
Nutrition for people maintain beauty
Recharge yourself , Restore Vitality
Anyone can benefit!
 for more information please contact +255 758/716 768 855